EVTGROUPS provides a range of commercial glazing services, including commercial glass replacement; standard glass and high-level glass replacement, and those which are over-sized or have restricted access.
The complex and hazardous nature of the work requires each project to be planned individually and precisely with close attention to the Health & Safety of building users, operatives and the general public. This includes:-
- Risk Assessments and Method Statements are detailed and site-specific
- Licences for road closures are obtained as required
- To minimise risk and disruption works can be conducted outside normal business or trading hours
- Specialist access equipment is brought in as required
- Rope access services & glazing trained rope access technicians
- Innovative and cost-saving approach to more difficult projects often removing the need for large plant
- All Glazing Face operatives are trained to work safely at height and in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations 2005
- All Glazing Face operatives are trained to work safely at height and in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations 2005
We have many years of experience of working on glazed facades and can ensure that all works of this nature are completed safely, efficiently and on budget.