Our years of service on building refurbishment and restoration projects across the country has made us specialists in architectural metal coatings and repairs. Our qualified team will deliver you with a cost-effective and efficient steel coating solution that is bespoke to your project’s requirements. Our specialism in this area means that we’re able to provide a complete service to transform old and rusty architectural features and steel structures so that they look like new again. In doing this, we provide a protective spray coating to ensure that your metal fixings and steel structures have a physical barrier against a range of potentially corrosive industrial chemicals. Our work in this undertaking involves the provision of an anti-corrosive coating that protects the metal framework. This acts as long-term shield from corrosive damage and general wear and tear that can otherwise erode the look and feel of the metalwork.
Benefits of steel structure Coating
- Increased lifespan
- Cost effective
- Prevents replacement
- Aesthetic improvements